Display Documents Online or PDF?

Pros of Having Small Print Documents Online On Your Website Only


  • Faster to load a page than a document
  • Visitors don’t like being redirected, even to a PDF
  • Ticks Google Compliance
  • More text content on your website is better for SEO
  • Faster to edit and turnaround than saving documents and uploading
  • Less space used locally on your computers storing hundreds of documents
  • Easily email links to customers or clients instead of attaching documents for compatibility
  • Easily display QR codes on posters so people can save links to read later rather than printing documents
  • Saves you time locating the correct version of a document when the most recent version is live online
  • WordPress saves version history so you always have backups

What if you or your staff or a customer/client needs to print the document?  

I understand that still, 2% of the UK hasn’t access to the internet and although this number is decreasing every day we can not exclude a single person.  But it’s okay because every browser can print a webpage easily enough but do encourage against this to help save the environment.

Individual plain text only pages can be created for a one-off fee of £30 and these are easily edited within your management package.

There are exceptions when you need to display lots of resources for people to download

In these cases, I recommend a system that easily manages multiple documents, of different file types, examples of grid and table views are below..

How much does a document area cost?

A documents or resources area is usually completed in a couple of days and costs a one-off setup and install fee of £249 and then £100 per year for the updates and support of the system. You can upload your own documents or pay an additional fee for me to upload them all for you, obviously, this cost depends on the number of documents.

You can have lots of different styles, columns, options and filtering systems.

Example Document Layout – Grid View or Table View